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1. Wyrażenie Zgody.

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Oferta pracy

.NET Senior Application Support Engineer

Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska Dodano: 2024-05-10 | ID oferty: 2170998

.NET Senior Application Support Engineer

We are an international recruitment agency founded in 1987 in Israel, present in Poland since 2014. We specialize in recruiting for permanent and temporary positions. Our headquarters are located in Poznań, and we also have branches in Warsaw, Gdańsk, and Wrocław.

Currently, we are looking for a .NET System Reliability Engineer with English language skills for one of our globally-reaching clients.

.NET Senior Application Support Engineer

Numer referencyjny: JAOK

Miejsce pracy: Warszawa

Key Responsibilities:

  • Cyber Security Remediation: You will be responsible for identifying, investigating, and resolving security vulnerabilities in our systems. This includes conducting regular system audits, creating security reports, and implementing appropriate security measures.
  • OS and Framework Upgrades: Regularly update and maintain the operating systems and .NET frameworks to ensure optimal performance and security. You need to ensure minimal disruption to services during these upgrades.
  • Level 0 INC Triage: Act as the first point of contact for incident management, diagnose issues, and route them to the appropriate team for resolution.
  • Deployment Prep Administration: Prepare and manage deployment plans, including scheduling, coordinating, and managing deployments across various environments.
  • Lower Environment Resiliency Support/Issues/Outages: Manage and troubleshoot issues in lower environments, ensuring system availability and performance. You will also be responsible for handling outages, identifying root causes, and implementing solutions.
  • DevOps Support: Collaborate with the DevOps team to improve system reliability and performance. This includes automating processes, managing CI/CD pipelines, and implementing infrastructure as code.
  • Dev Tools Updates: Regularly update development tools to ensure they are at their most effective and secure versions.
  • AD/SQL Account Maintenance: Manage and maintain Active Directory and SQL Server accounts, ensuring proper access controls are in place.
  • Lower Environment Data Cleanup: Regularly clean up data in lower environments to ensure system performance and compliance with data retention policies.


• Proven experience as a System Reliability Engineer or similar role in a .NET environment.

• Strong knowledge of cyber security principles and practices.

• Experience with OS and framework upgrades.

• Familiarity with DevOps principles and tools.

• Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.

• Strong communication skills and the ability to work with globally distributed teams.

Our client offers:

  • A solid, flexible benefits package that can be tailored to individual needs, including a Multisport card, vouchers for shops, and much more - MyBenefit cafeteria.
  • Premium medical services insurance for employees and their family members - Luxmed.
  • Life and disability insurance for employees and their family members - Generali.
  • Profitable Voluntary Pension Fund.
  • Benefits from the social fund: holiday bonuses, daycare subsidies, etc.
  • Integration and cultural events for employees.
  • Awards and recognition program for outstanding employees.
  • Referral bonuses for recommending employees.
  • Relocation assistance -Accommodation, travel, and other expenses covered.
Kontakt w sprawie rekrutacji:

Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowana(y) ofertą pracy skontaktuj się z nami na poniższe dane. Przesyłając do nas swoje CV prosimy zawrzeć klauzule o zgodzie na przetwarzanie danych w celu rekrutacji.

L.M. Group Poland
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